
Asking Ronald McDonald the Obvious Question


Here's a reprinted t-shirt from Threadless I found today. Cynical? Sure. Harsh? Kind of. Funny? Yes.

But who wants to wear a t-shirt with a puking clown on it - even if it's rainbow puke?

(I guess the fact that the t-shirt is reprinted kind of answers the question for me...)

"Not So Happy" by Lora Zombie, $20, men and women's sizes only []

New Nintendo 3DS Not Safe For Kids Under Six. Really Nintendo?


Nintendo says their new gaming system the 3DS might hurt the eyes of children under six, but eye doctors are saying that's not necessarily true. Aren't the big bad companies supposed to be putting our kids at risk (for a profit) while doctors are supposed to warn us against this kind of stuff?

It's an interesting swap of expectations, and the subject of my latest post on Man of the House.

New Nintendo 3DS Not Safe For Kids Under Six. Really Nintendo? [Man of the]